British torture camp in
Bad-Nenndorf in Lower Saxony after May 1945 - demand for
rehabilitation and compensation for defamed witnesses
and historians
from: Britisches Folter-Lager in Niedersachsen [British
torture camp in Lower Saxony]; In: BLICK,18 December 2005;
<LONDON - After Second World War the British run a torture camp in Bad Nenndorf in Lower Saxony as the
newspaper "The Guardian" reported today. The prisoners had
been misused systematically also with death from
starvation. Many prisoners were former NSDAP members or SS
members the British newspaper said corresponding to
documents which had been deblocked recently on the base of
the free information law.>
from Michael Palomino: The defamation of witnesses as
"right wing extremist" must stop - demand for
rehabilitation and compensation for defamed witnesses
and historians
Until now the Jewish "protection organizations" of the
whole world and the German, the Swiss and the Austrian
"justice" have defamed every human being as "right wing
extremist" when the person had reported the torture by the
Allies in Germany in the occupation zones after 1945, in
general, and without punishment until today. It's time
that these worldwide Jewish "protection organizations" and
the German, the Swiss and the Austrian " justice" learn to
read documents. And furthermore an automatic rehabilitation and a
compensation for pain and
suffering of all defamed persons would be
Michael Palomino, December 2005